Dr. Le Guillou is a Board Certified pediatrician (ABP, FAAP) practicing in Larchmont since 1995.
Our office provides the latest medical practices and therapies integrated with a holistic approach of the patient, from basic Cold & Flu prevention, nutritional support of immunity and digestion, to very special vaccine administration techniques!
We do not have walk-in hours but we can usually see sick patients on the same day in the office or via video consult, and we can often provide very useful phone advice and help set up video visits via Zoom.
Dr. Le Guillou is very knowledgeable and gives us a thorough explanation of the course of action needed each time we visit. He’s also available on the phone when the office is closed. Great experience so far, thank you!
Polina J.
Dr. Le Guillou and his receptionists are absolutely amazing! They are so welcoming and wonderful to my children and me. Very happy with their services, Dr. Le Guillou is extremely thorough and gives plenty of time for each appointment. I have never felt rushed, nor experienced log wait times. I highly recommend this office and I wish they would take adults, alas children only.