Dr. Le Guillou is a Board Certified pediatrician (ABP, FAAP) in practice in Larchmont since 1995, and in solo practice since 2005, to allow a more personalized and integrated care.
Coming from the prestigious CHU Necker-Enfant Malades school of medicine in Paris, he did a pediatric residency at Montefiore/Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx and the University of Minnesota, in the twin cities.
Beyond a rigorous academic training in these top pediatric institutions, he also trained in Pediatric Clinical Hypnosis at the U of M (Dan P. Kohen & Karen Olness), in Clinical Homeopathy with the CEDH in NY, and was the very first MD trained in the harmonizing practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu in the late 80s (Philomena Dooley, Mary Burmeister).
Latest medical practices and therapies are therefore integrated with a holistic approach of the patient, from basic Cold & Flu preventive tips, nutritional support of immunity and digestion, to very special vaccine administration techniques!