Dr. Arlene Adler is a practicing Psychologist licensed in New York and Connecticut with 30+ years of experience treating children, adolescents, parents and adults. As Chief of Pediatric Psychology & Neuropsychology in the Department of Pediatrics, she has expertise in treating the psychological sequela associated with acute and chronic medical conditions as well as treating children with Somatic Symptom Disorders – a mental health condition that causes an individual to experience physical bodily symptoms in response to psychological distress.
Dr. Adler uses an eclectic approach that integrates principles of dynamic psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral, dialectical and emotional regulation therapy to help individuals and their families create a narrative that establishes a healthy balance between the individual identifying, understanding and managing their needs without causing distress around them whether at home, school or with peers.
Psychological Disorders We Treat
Eating Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Children of Divorce
Tourette Syndrome
Adjustment Disorders
Executive Dysfunctions
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Emotional Dysregulation Disorders
Externalizing Behavioral Problems – irritability, disruptive and defiant behaviors
Somatoform Disorders – somatization, conversion, illness anxiety and body dysmorphic disorders