Dr. Parvez is Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at New York Medical College and Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. Her primary research interest includes optimizing nutrition for VLBW infants via implementation and individualized modification of donor breast milk and mother’s own milk. Current projects include the impact of various donor breast milk feeding regimens on growth and necrotizing enterocolitis, and the long-term nutritional outcomes of donor milk in children with short-gut syndrome. She is also providing source data for a cost-effective analysis of donor breast milk in the New York State Regional Perinatal System.
Her primary quality improvement interest is in increasing the incidence of breastfeeding across regional perinatal networks. She holds university- and industry-sponsored research grants, including full funding for the development, implementation, and continued operation of a donor milk bank at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital — the first such institution in the New York City area housed within a regional perinatal center. She is a member of the New York Milk Bank. Prior to this work, Dr. Parvez was involved in the development and implementation of the New York State Neonatal Collaborative to Reduce Central-Line Associated Bloodstream Infections.
Dr. Parvez takes great interest in the education and mentoring of the neonatal fellows and serves as Associate Director of the Neonatal Fellowship Program, co-chairing the Clinical Competency Committee.